Curriculum and Community Committee

Curriculum and Community Committee

Membership (appointed annually)

A minimum of 3 members of the Governing Body:

Jen Armitstead – Chair

June Lowther – Acting Head

Revd Tricia Rogers

Stephen Knowles

Laura Corbett

Sarah Parish

The governing body may also appoint ‘associate members’ to this committee.  An associate member is not a governor and does not have voting rights.

Clerk:      Heather Keating

Quorum:       3 voting members


Committee Task

The main

  • To ensure that the Curriculum is well managed, planned and delivered
  • To advise the governing body on establishing, maintaining and developing a high quality of communication between the school and the parents and wider community
  • To monitor the pastoral care of children including how the school meets the needs of learners through its distinctive Christian character



In these areas the committee has the power to act on behalf of the governing body and will give progress reports:

  • Monitor and review the Curriculum Policy
  • Monitor and evaluate areas of the curriculum
  • Plan, monitor and evaluate school improvement plan areas linked to the curriculum
  • Review pupil progress against targets set
  • Ensure curriculum is accessible to all pupils
  • Link with appropriate staff and agencies (both internal and external to school) on curriculum issues
  • To advise the governing body on establishing, maintaining and developing a high quality of communication between the school and the parents and wider community
  • Monitor the pastoral care of children including how the school meets the needs of learners through its distinctive Christian character



In these areas the committee will make recommendations to the governing body:



Minutes are to be taken by the committee clerk at every meeting.  These are to be forwarded to the clerk to the governors who will circulate to all governors prior to each meeting of the full governing body.  A file copy of the minutes to be kept in school.