Our Broad & Balanced Curriculum

Our Broad and Balanced Curriculum

We use the National curriculum supported by Chris Quigley’s Essentials to allow us to develop a creative curriculum for our mixed aged classes.  The Essentials Curriculum is made up of three elements:

1. Breadth

Our learning for life curriculum, in based on creative themes and topics to provide a context to the children’s learning which has been developed to be ambitious and meet all the needs of pupils developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence.

2. Threshold concepts

Threshold concepts are the ‘big ideas’ that shape students’ progression of knowledge and skills within each subject. The same threshold concepts will be explored in every year group and students will gradually increase their understanding of skills to become successful geographers, historians, artists, designers, musicians, linguists or scientists.

3. Milestones

The Essentials Curriculum sets out this progression in the form of three ‘Milestones’. Each Milestone contains a range of descriptors which give more detail to be discovered within the concept. Over a two-year period, pupils will become more and more familiar with these details by exploring them in a breadth of contexts.

Teachers plan for progress within in milestone by setting different types of tasks to enable pupils to gain a deeper and greater understanding of the content. Pupils may progress from a BASIC to an, ADVANCING and then DEEP understanding of an aspect.


The link below explains the curriculum for children in Nursery and Reception Years.

EYFS Framework September 2021

Key Stage 1:

The link below explains the curriculum for children in Key Stage 1.

Curriculum Map KS1

Key Stage 2: 

The link below explains the curriculum for children in Key Stage 2.

Curriculum Map KS2