Pupil premium

What is Pupil Premium?

All members of staff and governors accept responsibility for ‘socially disadvantaged’ pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within a caring environment. As with every child in our care, a child who is considered to be ‘socially disadvantaged’ is valued, respected and entitled to develop his/her full potential, irrespective of need. We work closely with parents to identify barriers to future attainment.

The pupil premium targets extra funding for pupils from deprived backgrounds. Research shows these students underachieve compared to their non-deprived peers. The premium is provided in order to support these pupils to reach their potential.

The Government have used pupils entitled to free school meals, children of service personnel and children looked after as an indicator for deprivation and have deployed a fixed amount of money to schools per pupil, based upon the number registered for FSM (or who have been previously).

The Government have not dictated to schools how to spend this money, but are clear that schools will need to employ strategies that they know will support these students to increase their attainment and narrow the gap.

In the current year 2021-2022 school will receive £1345.00 per pupil who is currently eligible for Free School Meals or who has been in the past 6 years. The school will also receive a higher rate of funding, £1900 for any pupil who is ‘Looked after’ or adopted from care.

What is it spent on?

When the  school receives pupil premium for a pupil we make sure that it is spent in ways that enable particular barriers to learning (such as well-being, confidence, SEND or low attendance) to be reduced so that those pupils can make as good progress as those who are not disadvantaged.  This may be in the following ways, although these are only examples and would be tailored to individual children:

  • Small group intervention programmes that are show to accelerate progress as evidenced by organisations such as The Sutton Trust
  • 1:1 tuition in English or Maths
  • Participation in music lessons to raise self confidence
  • Access to a school counsellor
  • Enable children to access activities and rich experiences such as educational visits

Pupil Premium Statement 2023 – 2024:


Pupil Premium Statement 2022-2023:

Pupil premium statement 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Statement 2021-2022:

Pupil premium statement: 2021-2022

This statement and strategy is reviewed annually.

Covid Support Premium from 2020-2021

As a Christian school, that welcomes all children regardless of faith, culture, background, need or circumstances, our school vision leads us to consider the whole child when planning for provision funded by the Coronavirus Premium Funding. The school is mindful that the challenges that many children faced as a result of school closure will not be remediated in a short period of time; resolving these will take care, sensitivity and patience. The school has a longer term view of reconnection and recovery and this is reflected in our School Improvement Plan.

We are also aware that many children flourished and developed in a range of different ways during lockdown and that these successes should be recognised, celebrated and built on.

Please click the document link below to read the details we put in place in 2020-2021 to support our school.

Selside School Covid Catch Up Premium Plan 2020-2021