Finance, Premises and Staffing Committee
Membership (appointed annually)
A minimum of 3 members of the Governing Body:
June Lowther – Headteacher
John Hooson – Chair
Logan Thom
Stephen Knowles
Jen Armitstead
The governing body may also appoint ‘associate members’ to this committee. An associate member is not a governor and does not have voting rights.
Clerk: Sian Taylor
Quorum: 3 voting members
Committee Task
The main purpose of this committee is:
- To support the Governing Body in fulfilling their responsibilities by ensuring that its members undertake close and continuing interest in all financial aspects of the school.
- To provide advice, support and guidance to the Headteacher and Governing Body on all matters relating to school finances.
- To consider appropriate arrangements to ensure that the school meets the requirements of the Schools Financial Value Standard on an ongoing basis.
- To recommend internal financial regulations for the financial management of the school.
- To consider appropriate levels of reserves and balances
- Prepare plans for the year, working within Development Plan guidelines
- Identify problems relating to school buildings and premises, both internally and externally, and recommend action to the governing body where appropriate
- Establish and review the Health & Safety policy
- Work within the framework of all appropriate legislation and policies (internal, professional, governmental etc)
- Monitor quality, progress and performance of contracted work
In these areas the committee has the power to act on behalf of the governing body and will give progress reports:
- Set the school budget plan for the year
- Monitor school budget expenditure
- Monitor ISBQs
- Ensure procedures exist and are adhered to for the payment of monies and banking receipts and that the appropriate school staff keep clear and accurate records
- Report regularly to the full governing body with particular reference to any significant variance in expenditure levels
- Arrange virement of monies between budget headings to cater for changed needs, priorities and plans
- Ensure that wherever possible overspending does not occur to individual budget lines or to the budget overall
- Ensure that any underspend is allocated to priority areas or held in reserve as agreed by this committee or the governing body, as outline in the development plan
- Plan priorities for school development for agreement
- Ensure that private school funds are appropriately managed and audited
- Ensure that any available monies are invested to give the best possible return
- Review and implement all appropriate policies on finance and staffing issues
- Work within the framework of all appropriate legislation and policies (internal, professions, governmental etc).
- Review staff pay
- Monitor staffing levels of teaching and non-teaching staff
- Monitor non-contact time, staff workloads and headteacher’s management time
- Monitor staff absences
- Involvement in the recruitment, selection and appointment of headteacher and teaching staff as appropriate
- Delegate appointment of non-teaching staff to headteacher
- Conduct health and safety audits, risk assessments and fire risk assessments
In these areas the committee will make recommendations to the governing body:
- Advise the Governing Body on all finance and staffing matters
- Link with appropriate staff and agencies (both external and internal to school) on finance and staffing issues
- Link with appropriate staff and agencies (both internal and external to the school) on premises issues
- Advise the governing body on all premises and health and safety matters
- Make insurance recommendations
The committee will present a report on its activity to the full governing body meeting each term, to include:
- All decisions taken under delegated powers
Minutes are to be taken by the committee clerk at every meeting. These are to be forwarded to the clerk to the governors who will circulate to all governors prior to each meeting of the full governing body. A file copy of the minutes to be kept in school.
Agenda setting
Standing items:
- Staffing -current establishment, absences
- Budget – figures to date, %actual against planned expenditure
- Pupil Premium
- Building issues
- Health & safety
Autumn term:
- Review charges and remissions policy
- Performance management
- Review 3-year budget plan
- Monitor ISBQ
- Calendar of meetings for year
- Review Terms of Reference
Spring term:
- Annual SFVS
- Monitor ISBQ
- 3-year budget plan
Summer term: