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Subject Leader: Miss Massey

Welcome to the Marvellous Mathematics page

At Lindale we strive to provide our children with a rich and varied mathematical curriculum.   We use the new National Curriculum for Mathematics (2014) as the basis of our mathematics programme and then enrich it through  cross-curricular activities, practical problem-solving and outdoor based activities.  This allows our children to see maths in context and relevant to them.

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Our aims 2017-2018

*This year through our planning and evaluations we are making sure we are providing children with a mastery approach to the curriculum through challenging activities and activities that broaden and deepen their understanding of mathematics.

*In addition we are part of a small school maths hub cluster aiming to develop mastery within mixed age classes.


Our Calculation Policy

Our calculation policy is split into the four main areas and aims to ensure progression throughout the years.  Please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher to explain any specific methods.

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Below is a link to the programme of study for mathematics.  (National Curriculum)



Useful websites to aid your child’s learning

Multiplication website