Our governors

The governors at Selside ensure that the school is well run. They help to set its strategic aims and objectives, ensure it is reaching its targets and take responsibility for tasks including the balancing of resources and the appointment of the Headteacher. They are not involved in the day-to-day management of the school but monitor the progress it is making in all aspects of its work and support and challenge the Headteacher.

All Governors are volunteers and meet for full meetings once each school term. They may also sit on a committee that looks in greater detail at the school’s work in the area of finance, premises and staffing. Below is a full list of the school’s current Governors with details of their appointment, meeting attendance and committee membership.

If you would like to know more about the work of Governors, or are interested in becoming a Governor yourself, please contact the school.


Chair of Governors:  Jen Armitstead

Vice-Chair of Governors:  Nicholas Williams

Ex-officio Governor: Rev Michelle Woodcock

Clerk to the Governors:  Sian Taylor – clerk@selside.cumbria.sch.uk

Governor Membership