Partnerships and links

We are proud to be part of and have strong links with different partners. Each of these links benefit children in the school in different ways.

South Lakes Rural Partnership

Lindale CE Primary School is an active member of the South Lakes Rural Partnership. This group of over 30 schools provides mutual support, staff development, pupil/family support and rigorous peer evaluation to one another across south Lakeland.

Vision and Objectives

By working together, we will enhance the educational opportunities and experience of young people in the South Lakes Rural Partnership by:

  • Furthering high quality school improvement.
  • Raising achievement and access for all.
  • Driving high aspirations through continuous professional development.

Development Plan Objectives

  • Build on our climate of trust and cooperation within which the quality of education can be enhanced.
  • Improve the experience and outcomes of everyone in our partnership of schools.
  • Identify joint priorities and share our educational experience and expertise openly for the benefit of all learners and staff.
  • Seek and provide best value services and provision for the benefit of learners.
  • Make use of the experience and expertise within the partnership to provide support for school leaders in a variety of situations.
  • Ensure the needs and contribution of smaller schools are understood and incorporated into partnership activity.

Visit the SLRP website here for more information.

St. Hilda’s CE Primary School, Stretford, Manchester 

We have established a valuable link with St. Hilda’s CE Primary School. This enables children from both schools to meet and understand each other and learn about living in very different environments. Our year 4 and 5 children visited the Manchester school as part of a field trip to look at the historical architecture of the canals and railways in the city. We joined with a class at St. Hilda’s for the afternoon for a geography session comparing the different areas in which the children live. We  then took part in a Collective worship with their whole school of around 350 pupils.  Visit St Hilda’s website here.


Castle Head FSC Field Centre

Castle Head Field Centre is located within the village of Lindale; just a 10 minute walk from school. We work closely with staff from the field centre on area of the curriculum such as geography, history and  science as well as our programme of residential experiences.

Residential experiences in conjunction with Castle Head

Our residential programme is a highlight of the school year. All children spend time initially at the Field Centre and then travelling further afield to visit other parts of the Lake District.

Reception and Year 1: A day at Castle Head linked to class topic

Years 2 and 3: Half a day familiarisation visit and then one night residential at Castle Head focusing on learning about their own abilities.

Years 4 and 5: Half a day familiarisation visit and 2 day residential at a centre in the Lake District focusing on teamwork

Year 6: Half a day familiarisation visit and 3 day residential at a centre in the Lake District focusing on learning to lead. Year 6 plan much of their residential as a group and take responsibility for different aspects of it.


Curriculum work with Castle Head

We have studied the history of Lindale and in particular the influence of John Wilkinson. We had a fantastic whole school History day where everyone dressed as characters from different periods of the village’s history.  We had a wonderful assortment of highway men, Victorian ladies and labourers and current day walkers.