Uniform information

We have a simple school uniform, which is required to be worn each school day unless you are informed otherwise by the school. Children wear a royal blue sweatshirt/jumper, grey/black trousers or skirt, white/grey shirt/blouse, with flat black school shoes/boots (not training shoes). Please read the school policy-Selside School uniform policy_Jan 25_

Branded items aren’t required. Local supermarket retailers do stock royal blue jumpers/cardigans also.

Children wear black school shoes indoors but should bring trainers/wellies for lunchtimes outside.

Our Sweatshirts, white T-shirts and polo shirts with the school logo can be ordered directly from One Identity, 64-68 Cavendish Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA14 1PZ. Tel: 01229 823584 or via their website. Upon ordering you will be able to select to home or school delivery (please note school delivery is free).

Our link to the One Identity Website is https://www.oneidentity.co.uk/selside/

The link requires a password – please contact the school office for this.

Please can you ensure that all clothing and footwear are clearly marked with your child’s name so we are able to return it if it becomes lost or misplaced.

P.E. clothes are needed and should include gym shoes or trainers, (black or white), white T-shirt, black shorts and a P.E. bag in which to keep them. All articles should be clearly marked with child’s name. Costumes and towels for swimming lessons should also be marked with child’s name.

Our Children also have outdoor learning bags. In these should be waterproofs and wellies for outdoor learning.

If you would like to use www.MyNametags.com for your clothing name tags, school get 24% of your purchases total towards our Selside School Association. Our school ID to use when buying is 35828, this will then link to our fundraising account. Thank you.