
Subject Leader – Miss Alison Lace


At Selside School we believe in a broad and balanced curriculum which encourages children to be masters of technology and not slaves to it.

Our ambitious and evolving computing curriculum fulfils the National Curriculum requirements and we use various resources to aid our delivery of the objectives. Our scheme of work is coherently planned, sequenced and has rigorous progression to enable children to use technology positively, responsibly and safely while applying the knowledge and skills required to succeed in life and to become skilful computer scientists. Our skills progression allows teaching and learning of computing to be easily adapted to meet the needs of all our pupils.


We use the ‘Teach Computing’ programme from the National Centre of computing to deliver our computing. It has been created by subject experts, based on the latest pedagogical research. It provides our pupils with an innovative progression framework where computing content, concepts, knowledge and skills.

Computing – Long Term Plan Year A

Computing – Long Term Plans Year B

Computing Assessment & Vocabulary Progression

Computing has meaningful links to all other core and foundation subjects and we encourage all staff to embed computing skills across the curriculum to make learning interactive, creative and fun. Our core Values are golden threads of our computing scheme: we aim to develop the children’s respect and courage to use technology responsibly, positively and safely; friendship to be patient and considerate of others and to be creative and holistic thinkers.  This approach helps to expand our pupils social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. Our computing curriculum not only develops our pupils educationally, but we plan experiences to develop our children’s cultural capital such as:

-STEM Week


-Internet safety week


We want our Pupils to become Computer Scientists who have:

  • Competence in coding for a variety of practical and inventive purposes, including the application of ideas within other subjects.
  • The ability to connect with others safely and respectfully, understanding the need to act within the law and with moral and ethical integrity.
  • An understanding of the connected nature of devices.
  • The ability to communicate ideas well by using applications and devices throughout the curriculum.
  • The ability to collect, organise and manipulate data effectively.

Primary National Curriculum – Computing (most up to date version from the DFE)